2023 is coming to an end and 2024 is on the horizon. Time for us to review the ending BailongBall year. We captured a few impressions at our annual general meeting. That meeting in October offers the members and respective representatives of their region or club the chance tell us what has happened and developed during the current year. A lot to tell and talk about – but have a look yourself:
What we have achieved together as TBBF is truly impressive. The commitment at the many different events, the training successes, the growing number of members, the increasing interest in our sport, international championships and events – all of this would not have been possible without you, all of this is evidence of our team spirit, all of this also testifies to the attrictiveness of our sport is. Your support makes the difference and has been invaluable. Many thanks for this from us, your board,
Xiaofei Sui
Susanne Ritz
Vice Chairman
Vice Chairman
Peter Öttler
So ein Rückblick gibt Zuversicht für das kommende Jahr. Danke für die Arbeit.
Auf in eine friedvolle, schwungvolle und gesunde Zukunft mit Bailongball. Merry Christmas
Hallo zäme,
Seit nun über 10 Jahren gibt es eine Taiji Bailongball Gruppe in Brugg / Schweiz, die sich wöchentlich jeweils am Dienstag 11:45-12:45 in der Tennishalle Brugg trifft.
Allen wünsche ich alles Gute im neuen Jahr Lg Freddy
Ein guten Start ins Neue Jahr