Tag Archives: Zeeland

Good vibes and hope: BailongBall meets Jerusalema

Do you already have Jerusalema stuck in your head, are excited about the song that makes the world dance? Simply viral – a South African DJ and a South African singer release a song that has been viewed more than 160 million times on YouTube so far. On TikTok, the hashtag “#Jerusalema Dance Challenge” has scored more than 353 million hits to date. A wave of hope and good vibes, which finds its expression in many dance videos crossing all borders. Videos, which in turn have led to millions of clicks on the popular video portals to date.
And of course this wave is also carried by BailongBall. The group of BailongBall players from Zeeland around Maya Lentze (on the right in the picture below) has published their interpretation of the song in a dance video – of course with racket and ball.