Tag Archives: Workshop

Workshop for Prospective Senior Trainers

You are already a Junior Trainer, want to become a Senior Trainer and like to prepare for the certification? This 2-day workshop will get you ready for all the game techniques you need to master.

When a sports club plans a weekend experience …

When a sports club plans a weekend experience, the Thuringian State Sports School in Bad Blankenburg in the Rudolstadt-Saalfeld district is well worth a visit.

In the following article, participants share their impressions on joint training weekends. A colorful bouquet of experiences and adventures – enjoyable exercise and leisure time, but read for yourself.

TBBF Art Workshop 2023

You may remember our announcement for this year’s TBBF workshops in April and May. They covered all disciplines, to include Art. Now, if you’ve never been to an Art workshop, you may ask yourself “what is the program like / do I learn how to dance with racket and ball / do I need to be a dancer, an acrobat or both / do I learn a choreography / how do I build my skills / …?

Well, in a way you can answer all the above questions with “yes” – but also with “it depends”. Kind of vague? Why don’t you have a look at the following workshop impressions. I’m sure you’ll be able to answer these questions yourself at the end…

TBBF Always in Flow – Online / Live Trainings for Free: Get Ready for Game, Session 2

We are taking our Zoom offer, “TBBF always in flow”, to the next level.

Every two weeks any and all interested BailongBall players can join our free training session (60 min. each). We will show you various BailongBall disciplines. So far we have already started on forms by Olga Ardasheva and Irina Rusavina. This block of 6 sessions covers the discipline XPlay (also known as Multiplay).

The trainings take place on Thursdays at 7:30 PM CET. The second block with Irina started on February 10th. During these 6 sessions she teaches us her artistic creation “Heaven & Earth”. You could not participate in the first session or would like to watch the recording? Find all the details in this blog post, including schedule and links to the session recordings (at the end of the blog).

TBBF Always in Flow – Online / Live Trainings for Free: Get Ready for Game, Session 1

We are taking our Zoom offer, “TBBF always in flow”, to the next level.

Every two weeks any and all interested BailongBall players can join our free training session (60 min. each). We will show you various BailongBall disciplines. So far we have already started on forms by Olga Ardasheva and Irina Rusavina. This block of 6 sessions covers the discipline XPlay (also known as Multiplay).

The trainings take place on Thursdays at 7:30 PM CET. The second block with Irina started on February 10th. During these 6 sessions she teaches us her artistic creation “Heaven & Earth”. You could not participate in the first session or would like to watch the recording? Find all the details in this blog post, including schedule and links to the session recordings (at the end of the blog).

TBBF Always in Flow – Online / Live Trainings for Free: Get Ready for Game

After the “Latina Form” by Olga Ardasheva, in this block we will switch from BailongBall forms to Xplay. Again, this block consists of 6 sessions, in which Philippe Marty will show us basic techniques, as well as advanced techniques.

Teaching XPlay via Web is of course a “special challenge”, considering the missing playing! And yet – Philippe has impressively demonstrated in his first session how basic techniques can also be practiced alone. With your own momentum or with the help of a wall – preferably windowless, in order not to distirb the neighbors ;-). Of course you can also ask another person for assistance – maybe the neighbor can throw a few balls?

TBBF Always in Flow – Online / Live Trainings for Free: Session 1 “Heaven & Earth”

Every two weeks any and all interested BailongBall players can join our free training session (60 min. each) . We will show you three small forms, which have been worked out by the respective trainers (Olga Ardasheva, Irina Rusavina and Susanne Ritz). Each form is a self-contained block of 6 training hours.

The trainings take place on Thursdays at 7:30 PM CET. The second block with Irina starts on February 10th. She will teach us her artistic creation “Heaven & Earth” during the second 6 sessions.