What does an ice-cold Shrove Tuesday in Rostock call for? Well, “Berliner Pfannkuchen”, a doughnut like pastry, which is very popular at this time of the year in Germany. And how about not only pleasing your sense of taste but also “adding a dash of fitness” with a racket?
Tag Archives: Rostock
In the current issue of the Red Cross magazine Mecklenburg-Vorpommern “extra.stark!”, trainer Heidi Rempel and her players are once again the point of contact for young and old. For one week the German Red Cross “Stadtteil- und Bewegungszentrum” in Rostock has put together a colorful program for everyone. Heidi and her BailongBall team led through the Tuesday program. Read more about the event and the Rostock BailongBall players in the article.
We want to make BailongBall known to everybody. And so we had some airtime on a local TV station, in Rostock. You can also find the video on Youtube – just search for „Toitenwinkler Augenzeuge“. Among other things, the video covers an annual event by citizens of the city districts of Toitenwinel and Dierkowen. The event is open to everybody, young and old. We had an information booth called „kiss the frog“ and has several presentations and activities for everybody to join in.