Tag Archives: Basic Techniques

TBBF Always in Flow – Online / Live Trainings for Free: Get Ready for Game

After the “Latina Form” by Olga Ardasheva, in this block we will switch from BailongBall forms to Xplay. Again, this block consists of 6 sessions, in which Philippe Marty will show us basic techniques, as well as advanced techniques.

Teaching XPlay via Web is of course a “special challenge”, considering the missing playing! And yet – Philippe has impressively demonstrated in his first session how basic techniques can also be practiced alone. With your own momentum or with the help of a wall – preferably windowless, in order not to distirb the neighbors ;-). Of course you can also ask another person for assistance – maybe the neighbor can throw a few balls?

Mannheimer Abendakademie – BailongBall On-Site Courses and Workshop

Im Oktober bis Dezember 2021 bietet die Abendakademie Mannheim zwei BailongBall Kurse und einen Workshop an. Es handelt sich um Präsenzveranstaltungen. Alle Interessierten sind willkommen; Vorkenntnisse sind nicht erforderlich.

City Movement in the Park – BailongBall@ Berlin

im Rahmen von Stadtbewegung im Park werden aktuell in Berllin BailongBall Einführungskurse angeboten. Unter dem Motto “Bewegungsangebote in kleinen Gruppen”, können sich Interessierte wöchentlich im Freien  treffen und die Sportart erlernen

How to become a certified TBBA Junior Trainer – the Multiplay Techniques (2/3)

How to become a certified TBBA Junior Trainer – the Multiplay Techniques

Would you like to not only improve your BailongBall game, but also share what you have learned with others? Are you thinking about starting / growing a group of BailongBall players or even becoming a coach? If so, you probably have many questions: How long is the trainer program, what is its content and where is it being offered? Is there an examination and if so, what exactly will I be tested on, by whom and how? Are there different types of trainers or levels and if so, which ones and what distinguishes them? What does a TBBA certification actually stand for? …

In this series of blog posts we want to give you answers to the many questions reagarding the TBBA trainer certifications and encourage you to take the next step in your BailongBall game.

VHS Summer Course @ Lampertheim

Join our beginners course in Lampertheim (Germany), starting on July, 10th. We will be playing open air, on the greens of the public outdoor pool. For five weeks you can train with us from 4:15 PM to 5:45 PM, every Friday. Find out if the ball is really glued to the racket and if not, how to make it look like it was – it is magic. There will be lots of fun.

Online Course of the Mannheimer Abendakademie

The Mannheimer Abendakademie has expanded their offering with an online BailongBall course in the current program. In three Zoom sessions, Shannon Ritz will practice introductory exercises with you. All you need is a tennisball or a ball of similar size.

BailongBall Training Online

Life certainly is different, these days. “Stay at home” affected a lot of us and still does. And it may continue to restrict us for some time. So, we were wondering how to stay healthy and safe but also how to stay in touch with other people and exercise together. Not being able to practice at our usual places, we turned to technology and made use of the Web and Social Media. Not quite sure how things would work out, after all our rooms back home cannot substitute a hall for instance, we, nevertheless, arranged for the first interactive Web session via Zoom. What can we say – it was simply great!

BailongBall Workshop 23 Feb -28 Feb 2020 Bensheim / Germany

Are you interested in learning BailongBall, want to enjoy the experience and would like to be coached by professionals? Taiji Bailong Ball Association e.V., the official representative of BailongBall in Europe, offers workshops covering the entire spectrum of this sport, theory and practice.