The Mannheimer Abendakademie has expanded their offering with an online BailongBall course in the current program. In three Zoom sessions, Shannon Ritz will practice introductory exercises with you. All you need is a tennisball or a ball of similar size.
Life certainly is different, these days. “Stay at home” affected a lot of us and still does. And it may continue to restrict us for some time. So, we were wondering how to stay healthy and safe but also how to stay in touch with other people and exercise together. Not being able to practice at our usual places, we turned to technology and made use of the Web and Social Media. Not quite sure how things would work out, after all our rooms back home cannot substitute a hall for instance, we, nevertheless, arranged for the first interactive Web session via Zoom. What can we say – it was simply great!
In our first blog in this series, we showed you how to start with a twirl racket facing down and then how to add a 360° body rotation to the twirl. In the second blog, we added some more movements to the twirl, to help integrate them in a choreography. In this blog, we introduce you to the horizontal racket twirl in two variations, embedded in some connected elements.
You may have wondered what exactly a Supervision is, who meets and what are they doing? Actually the answer is quite simple:
all TBBA trainers, from Assistant Trainers to Instructors, meet once a year for two days
during those two days, they refresh their skills and learn new ones as well
they exchange on all disciplines: Freestyle, Multiplay, Form. etc.
most important of all: they have a lot of fun and in the process even extend their license 😉
While still in the middle of the current training week (more details here) Taiji am Neuhof is already planning its next Meeting of Regulars. As allways, All players, trainers and everybody interested is welcome to join us.
Immer diese Winter! So gar nicht wie im Sommer, wenn jeder aktiv zu werden scheint. Es ist schon so eine Sache, vom gemütlichen Sofa in das Kalte zu wechseln oder womöglich wo anders hinzugehen, um zu trainieren. Oder vielleicht doch nicht…?
Are you interested in learning BailongBall, want to enjoy the experience and would like to be coached by professionals? Taiji Bailong Ball Association e.V., the official representative of BailongBall in Europe, offers workshops covering the entire spectrum of this sport, theory and practice.
“Energetic Playing” – that is how the author experiences BailongBall. In her recently published book “Spirale des Glücks” (Spiral of Happiness), she dedicates an entire section to this sport, explaining how BailongBall helps to bring body and soul in motion.
Zum dritten Mal in diesem Jahr trafen sich BailongBall-Spieler in Bensheim zum “Stammtisch”. Wie auch bei den letzten Malen wurde viel gespielt, das Neueste rund um den Sport ausgetauscht und viel gelacht. Multiplay stand wieder hoch im Kurs und oftmals spielte die gesamte Gruppe in einem Kreis. Aber auch das Netzspiel zu zweit oder zu viert, sowie Compete Mini wurden trainiert. Freestyle durfte natürlich auch nicht fehlen und so feilten die Spieler gezielt an Bewegungen und tauschten sich über diverse Techniken aus.
We have another meeting of regulars coming up at this year’s end. All players, trainers and anybody interested is welcome to join us: on November 11th, Taiji am Neuhof in Neuhofstr. 5, 64625 Bensheim, Germany