A lively start to the new year: TBBA started 2021 with an online session, today. Everyone interested in / having fun playing BailongBall was invited. And so we just returned from a session with good old friends and many new players who met online for the first time today. Quite fascinating that one sport can unite people from countries across 3 continents in one event!
Category Archives: Updates
It is the end of the year and the time to look at the last months and everyday life with different eyes. Time to share with those who joined our journey through the year. Time to rejoice together over what is important – being together, being there for one another, celebrating together. And so, on Sunday, the TBBA celebrated Christmas together. The ball moved from Panama, to the Netherlands, Portugal, Germany, Usbekistan and the Ukraine
Do you already have Jerusalema stuck in your head, are excited about the song that makes the world dance? Simply viral – a South African DJ and a South African singer release a song that has been viewed more than 160 million times on YouTube so far. On TikTok, the hashtag “#Jerusalema Dance Challenge” has scored more than 353 million hits to date. A wave of hope and good vibes, which finds its expression in many dance videos crossing all borders. Videos, which in turn have led to millions of clicks on the popular video portals to date.
And of course this wave is also carried by BailongBall. The group of BailongBall players from Zeeland around Maya Lentze (on the right in the picture below) has published their interpretation of the song in a dance video – of course with racket and ball.
In the current issue of the Red Cross magazine Mecklenburg-Vorpommern “extra.stark!”, trainer Heidi Rempel and her players are once again the point of contact for young and old. For one week the German Red Cross “Stadtteil- und Bewegungszentrum” in Rostock has put together a colorful program for everyone. Heidi and her BailongBall team led through the Tuesday program. Read more about the event and the Rostock BailongBall players in the article.
We are offering two entry level workshops in cooperation with Mannheimer Abendakademie. ? The first one is a three hour workshop on October 10th, 2020 and the second one with one hour each on October 17 and 18, 2020.
Summer is nearing its end. Not the typical summer, these days:
– fresh ideas for spending vacation
– fresh ideas for having fun
– fresh ideas for Bailo
In its article “Gentle Sport with Fun Factor” of the July 2020 issue of the magazine “Stadtmagazin Bensheim” you can read what makes our sport so special and what the city of Bensheim has to offer in terms of BailongBall.
Join our beginners course in Lampertheim (Germany), starting on July, 10th. We will be playing open air, on the greens of the public outdoor pool. For five weeks you can train with us from 4:15 PM to 5:45 PM, every Friday. Find out if the ball is really glued to the racket and if not, how to make it look like it was – it is magic. There will be lots of fun.
The Mannheimer Abendakademie has expanded their offering with an online BailongBall course in the current program. In three Zoom sessions, Shannon Ritz will practice introductory exercises with you. All you need is a tennisball or a ball of similar size.
Life certainly is different, these days. “Stay at home” affected a lot of us and still does. And it may continue to restrict us for some time. So, we were wondering how to stay healthy and safe but also how to stay in touch with other people and exercise together. Not being able to practice at our usual places, we turned to technology and made use of the Web and Social Media. Not quite sure how things would work out, after all our rooms back home cannot substitute a hall for instance, we, nevertheless, arranged for the first interactive Web session via Zoom. What can we say – it was simply great!