Bailo – BailongBall Mini
Great fun with a small racket
Not much bigger than a table tennis racket and ready to fit your back pocket or your every day bag – Bailo is the small brother of the BailongBall racket you already know. Unlike its big brother, it consists of solid material, through and through – no latex surface. Its light weight and small size makes it the perfect “BailongBall companion on the go”. You hardly ever notice when you carry it. Cannot take its big brother along? Here is the alternative. Play it at home, inside or outside Take it to work and play on your lunch break Use it when you are traveling and need to pack light … It is BailongBall all the way – you play just like you do with the traditional racket – Soloplay, Multiplay, Freestyle, Form. And yet, you do not need much space to have fun with it. Just take it out of your pocket and start swinging 🙂 Bailo – the small brotherMike Ritz Shannon Ritz Susanne Ritz TBBA Trainer